Piper Medical-Legal Testimonials

I have worked with both plaintiff and defendant personal injury attorneys for over twenty-nine years. This includes medical record review, attorney correspondence, depositions, and courtroom testimony. My jury rapport/experience is very good. I approach a jury as I would a new patient in my office. My courtroom comportment is friendly, relaxed, and credible, supported by a thorough knowledge of the case. I explain to the jury the science/surgical facts of the case in a straightforward, “down to earth” fashion so that they understand the facts/nuances of the case as a layman would. Not a lot of medical jargon but using everyday examples. My answers are always directed at the jury, and I make sure to make eye contact with them continuously. As stated, they’re sympathetic to my testimony and my courtroom success rate is 100% for my attorneys to date.  Please see below the testimonials for confirmation. 

Recent Testimonials

Dr. Piper testified on my behalf as an expert witness. He did a wonderful job. He was endearing to the jury. He presents himself as an honest, experienced Orthopedic Spine Surgeon.

His opinion is believable, and he is a very credible witness. Dr. Piper has extensive knowledge of all areas of spine surgery and can provide expert opinions and testimony in a very honest, accurate fashion.
David S. Raskas, M.D.
Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Terry Piper has previously provided courtroom testimony on my behalf as an expert witness in a malpractice case. His knowledge and preparation for the case was very thorough and definitive. He is an experienced orthopedic spine surgeon and well regarded in the St. Louis area, as he was previously President of the St.Louis Spine Society comprised of orthopedic and neurologic surgeons.

He presented himself very credibly to the jury and quickly established a relaxed, friendly rapport with them. I would highly recommend him for expert witness testimony as he is believable, humble and honest.
Dr. John Bailey
Mid America Orthopedics, Kirksville, MO
In my experience for over 25 years with Dr. Terry Piper in his field as an orthopedic surgery specialist, and as a friend, I have found him to be willing to advocate for patients he has treated when the patient later becomes involved in our judicial system, whether from a work injury which then requires a rating, or causation in a third-party setting. He has offered objective opinions in medical negligence cases as well, both on the side of the injured individual and on the side of the health care provider.

My experience with Dr. Piper supports the observation that he is a “straight shooter” and will call the confronting issue the way that he sees is meritorious. My long association with Dr. Piper also supports the conclusion that he is a man of character and one willing to stand behind his opinion. I believe you will be impressed with his demeanor and integrity, as well as with his very impressive credentials.
Donald Schlapprizzi
Missouri Personal Injury Attorney
I have been defending medical malpractices cases for over 35 years. During that time I have worked with, and against, hundreds of medical expert witnesses. Amongst them I have had the privilege of working with Dr. Piper. He is easily in the top 10 per cent of expert witnesses I have been fortunate enough to work with.

When I evaluate an expert witness I look at several considerations. First, and foremost, is he or she honest? Will I receive an honest review, supportive or not? Is the witnesses responsive? Every defense lawyer has the story of sending records for review and then the case disappearing into a black hole. Does the witnesses do their “homework” before giving a deposition or testifying at trial? Again too many of us have heard, as the deposition is imminent, “I meant to look at that but . . .”. Does the witness present well to a jury? Does the witness bill me fairly for their time?

I can say without hesitation that Dr. Piper checks all the boxes in the affirmative. He is honest, responsive, prepared and even handed in his charges. To me, however, the most important aspect is that Dr. Piper can “speak” to a jury. He can reduce complicated medical issues to a level a jury can understand without be condescending. He has a “well trusted grandfather” appearance that jurors respond to positively. He comes to court prepared. As such he is strong, without being argumentative on, cross examination. A rare quality.

Finally, and in fairness, he does not have a 60 page CV. He is clearly qualified and experienced in his specialty. Nonetheless, he is a practicing community physician, not academic (although academic’s have their place in the right case). He concentrates on treating his patients and not placing his name on papers. I have always said I will trade CV thickness for personality on the witness stand. Dr. Piper is a great example of that notion.

In summary, I highly recommend Dr. Piper as an expert witness in his specialty
James P. Reinert
Malpractice Attorney
Dr Piper has served as my expert in a very difficult medical malpractice case. His thoroughness and attention to detail greatly helped. He is affable and can easily explain complicated medical concepts to any jury. His professional background of many years performing surgeries gives him a wealth of experience that he can use to assist either the injured patient or physician.
Richard J. Behr
Malpractice Attorney
Dr Piper is one of the best witnesses I have ever had the pleasure of working with. He is knowledgeable and prepared. He is accessible and credible in front of a jury and his pleasant demeanor contributes to the jury's perception of him as being honest, unbiased, and a doctor of integrity.
D. Paul Myre Esq.
Attorney, St. Louis, Missouri

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